Hit the Gym and StayWell

May 19, 2022

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As a StayWell health member, we want to give you the right tools to care for your health. It’s important to remember that there are many ways to participate in healthcare outside of trips to the doctor or hospital, and one of the best and highly recommended ways to be proactive in your health is by getting daily exercise, especially if you live a mostly sedentary lifestyle. With this, the StayWell team actively seeks partnerships with local gyms and fitness providers so that you have everything you need to get in shape and stay active.

Take Advantage of Your Fitness Benefits

Through our StayWell fitness program, StayWell members can enjoy discounted memberships and at of our gym partners. In addition, our gym partners offer a number of free monthly classes that work for a variety of ages and fitness levels. For those with chronic injuries or illness, perhaps try taking a Zumba or low intensity workout class which incorporate movements to increase your mobility, while ensuring not to further injure or stress the body. For those avid gym goers, we offer a number of high intensity training classes and are partnered with several cross fit gyms that can help to bring your workout routine to the next level.

Whatever your preference there are gyms and classes that are just right for all so that you can take an active role in caring for your health. Check out our EnjoyLife program on our website for a complete listing of our gym partners and monthly classes so that you can step up your workout game!