Eating Healthy 2023: So Healthy It’s Nutty!

November 2, 2023

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Do you struggle with those late-night cravings or perhaps you’re the type who needs to constantly be munching on something while you work or learning. If you’re an avid snacker this may cause you some issues when it comes to sticking to your diet. If you’re snacking habits are interfering with your health goals then perhaps give nuts a try instead to satisfy your mindless munching.

Go Nuts for Your Heart Health

Although some nuts can be high in calories — which may not be the best if you’re a calorie counter — nuts contain some important health benefits that simply can’t be overlooked. Regularly eating a healthy diet that includes nuts can help you with your heart health by reducing inflammation, improving artery health and a plethora of other benefits that can ultimately lower your risk for heart disease. This is because nuts contain things such as unsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, plant sterols and L-arginine, all of which are part of a balanced healthy diet that is good for heart health.

Although most of all nuts are pretty good for you, some are much better for you especially if you’re trying to care for your heart. These include Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Macadamia Nuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachios, Walnuts. These nuts in particular may have more heart-healthy nutrients than others. However, it is also important remember that it is best to choose unsalted or unsweetened nuts as added salt or sugar may cancel out their heart-healthy benefits.

How Much is Too Nuts?

One more important thing to remember when using nuts to substitute for your favorite snack is that nuts still contain fat and calories. Although the types of fat in nuts is generally healthy, everything is always best in moderation. Eating too many nuts in one sitting may actually outweigh the health benefits due to the fat and calories in them. A good measurement is 4 to 6 servings of unsalted nuts a week as part of a healthy diet for adults. Of course, be sure to ask your doctor about recommended amounts in order to help you reach your health goals.

In a Nutshell

Nuts are a great snack replacement because of their easy portability and accessibility. By eating nuts instead of chocolates, candies, chips or other snacks you can certainly help yourself reach your health goals. Furthermore, when it comes to making long-term diet changes it is always best to understand your eating habits and inserting healthy foods where you usually eat unhealthy foods. This way the impact to your daily routine is minimal and you still get to satisfy your hunger pangs. Instead of going cold turkey off of snacks, listen to your body and go nuts!